Find support for your Orbi wifi systems including setup guides, troubleshooting articles, and much more. Visit our NETGEAR Support site today. Adding firmware update logic to a vendor-supplied driver. The existing function driver can implement the firmware update mechanism, as shown in the following diagram: Alternatively, if you want to update the function driver and the firmware update driver separately, create a second device node, on which you will install the firmware update driver. Hardware versions / Firmware downloads. You can identify which NanoVNA V2 variant you have using the table below. Select CONFIG VERSION in the menu on your device. This will show an about screen with the device name on top which you can look up in the table below.
Make sure that your installed linux distro wich has kernel 2.6.12 or newer version!
2: Update your smartreader+ if it has v1.2 or older firmware with v1.3
Smargo V2 Firmware Update Ios
3: Before update make sure your reader is 100% reconized by linux!
You will find inside that '' very precise how to update that device. Now disconnect smartreader+ disable from CCcam smartreader+ config lines and make restart to linux PC. If linux is UP plug smartreader to USB and wait little so 20 second. Log to server and tipe command: dmesg
you should have like this:

Smargo V2 Firmware Update 7.50
usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choiceusbcore: registered new driver usbserial
drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered for generic
usbcore: registered new driver usbserial_generic
drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial Driver core
drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Seri al Device
ftdi_sio 1-1:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c: Detected FT232BM
usb 1-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
usbcore: registered new driver ftdi_sio
drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c: v1.4.3:USB FTDI Serial Converters Driver
So your smartreader+ is ready to update the firmware.
4: Uptate beginning.
Copy to your PC linux server FTP 2 files:
Set on console to both file chmod 755 !
Chek if your smartreader+ needs to update.
Run command: ./srp_update_x86
and you see like so:
smartreader+ version v1.0, v1.1 or v1.2 then you have time to update.
Run command: ./srp_update_x86 -b
Smargo V2 Firmware Update Windows 10
smartreader+ version v1.1bootloader mode activated
Remove and reinsert SmartReader+ then restart application
Then new command: ./srp_update_x86 -f
start flashing
################################################## ######## done
Please remove and reinsert SmartReader+
remove the reader and reinsert now we start the config tool
Run command: ./srp_tools_x86
smartreader+ version v1.3
MODE autoswitch
FREQ 3.69 Mhz
KERNEL normal
T_MODE t = 0
successfully flashed the reader with new firmware.

Now we need add to CCcam.cfg new line:
SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+
SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB1 smartreader+
SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB2 smartreader+
or whatever USB port your smartreader is entered.
Save CCcam.cfg and run ./CCcam.x86 -d you should see new card is added and running.
In CCcam.cfg is card overklocking and there you just edit like so:
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 4800000 and card works with 4.80mhz set by smartreader+.
Available frequencies
3.20, 3.43, 3.69, 4.00, 4.36, 4.80, 5.34, 6.00, 6.86, 8.00, 9.61, 12.0 and 16.0 MHz
The user can selected any freqency. The Smartreader+ will selected the nearest available.
Default sartreader+ speed is with new v1.3 firmware 3.69MHZ and most cards works with that speed.
Windows supports a platform for installing system and device firmware updates via driver packages that are processed by using the UEFI UpdateCapsule function. This platform provides a consistent, reliable firmware update experience, and it improves the discoverability of important system firmware updates for end-users.
The UEFI firmware update platform guidance is intended for SoC vendors and OEMs who are building hardware platforms that run Windows. The UEFI firmware update platform is supported by the following operating system versions:
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education)
- Windows 10 Mobile
UEFI firmware update support in Windows 10
All systems that run Windows 10 for desktop editions should implement UEFI firmware updates by following the UpdateCapsule-based update process described in this section of the documentation.
Devices that run Windows 10 Mobile can follow the UpdateCapsule-based process used for Windows 10 Desktop. These devices can also follow the binary update process, which performs a binary update to the storage partition which contains the UEFI firmware.
Microsoft strongly recommends that devices running Windows 10 Mobile should update UEFI firmware by using the binary update process. Devices that run Windows 10 Mobile can use the UpdateCapsule-based process only in scenarios where the binary update process cannot be used. For example, if the partition layout of the device prevents the UEFI firmware from being updated by using a binary update package.
For more information about .spkg packages for Windows 10 Mobile, see Creating packages.
Overview of the UEFI firmware update platform
There are two types of firmware that can be serviced via Windows: system firmware and device firmware. System firmware is responsible for providing critical boot and runtime services to the system as a whole, and device firmware is associated with a particular device integrated into a system. Such device firmware typically works together with a device driver, allowing the OS to expose the device to OS-level services and applications.
System firmware updates
System firmware updates for UEFI-based systems will be deployed as device driver packages (INFs). Windows will use information provided by the platform to ensure that the update package only applies to appropriate systems. A firmware update package contains a binary file containing the system firmware image. After the firmware update package is on the end-user's system, Windows will use the UEFI UpdateCapsule function to hand-off the firmware payload to the platform firmware for processing.
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Deploying the update as a driver package allows the firmware update process to align with many existing deployment and servicing tools, and ensures simple update package authoring for hardware vendors.
The fact that the firmware update is delivered as a driver package does not mean that the update is written as an actual driver. The driver package will contain an INF file and a binary file containing the system or device firmware image.
Device firmware updates
For the purposes of updating device firmware, the device firmware can be assigned to one of these two categories:
UEFI-updatable device firmware.
This device firmware can be updated using a device driver package leveraging the same mechanism as system firmware. A device firmware update is distributed as a firmware update package. After the firmware update package is on the end-user's system, Windows will use the UEFI UpdateCapsule function to hand-off the device firmware payload to the platform firmware for processing. This process is virtually identical to how Windows hands off system firmware update payload, and is discussed below.
It is recommended that device firmware be updated using a discrete firmware update driver package, but device firmware may also be updated with system firmware as part of a single firmware update driver package.
Note UEFI should not be used to update peripheral devices. UEFI requires devices to be present during reboot to apply a firmware update which cannot be guaranteed with (external, removable) peripheral devices.
Driver-updatable device firmware.
This device firmware can be updated by the device driver during the normal Windows OS runtime. Updating device firmware using normal Windows OS drivers is not covered by this paper.
System requirements for Windows firmware updates
In order for a system to be compatible with the Windows firmware updating mechanism, it must meet the following requirements:
The system must implement UpdateCapsule and QueryCapsuleCapabilities as defined by section 8.5.3 of the UEFI specification 2.8.
UpdateCapsule is used to pass the firmware update payload between Windows and the platform firmware.
Platform firmware must support firmware updates initiated by Windows.
System firmware, and some classes of device firmware, must be updatable using this process. Firmware code recognizes a firmware update payload passed to UpdateCapsule and initiates the update process. The implementation is owned by the partner.
Must specify a Firmware Resource in the EFI System Resource Table (ESRT)
The Firmware Resource allows Windows to surface a device instance with a Hardware ID, which will be used to target the system or device firmware update to appropriate systems and devices. It also describes the current firmware version and provides status for previous updates. Pdf xchange editor serial key generator.
There exists a single entry for system firmware updates. All devices with updateable firmware must have a resource specified in the ESRT, unless a device's firmware is updated as part of a system firmware update.
For more information, see ESRT table definition. Sonic unleashed pc iso download.
In this section